Periodizing workouts decades before P90X
Understanding the concept of periodization is essential for athletes and amateurs alike. The end goal of this approach is to be more efficient with your time, while striving to obtain athletic skill, build lean mass, burn fat, and improve strength, power, and/or stamina. Elite athletes, strength coaches, and exercise physiologists have embraced this training theory since Romania and the Soviet Union introduced it during their Olympic dominance in the mid 1950-1970s. Today, P90X touts “muscle confusion” in their workouts, hearkening back to the original eastern block sports science.
Periodization is defined as “programmed variation in the training stimuli with the use of planned rest periods to augment recovery and restoration of the athlete’s potential” (Kraemer, WJ, Hakkinen, K, 1998). The variation of the training stimuli includes, but is not limited to, periodic changes in the following training parameters: volume (total number of reps), load (poundage lifted), intensity (rate of force production), loading (progression through the set), frequency (times per week or month), restoration (rest and nutrition), and exercise selection, etc. The training parameters are varied throughout the season, according to cycles, with the emphasis on peaking prior to your competition (Olympics, pre-season camp, spring break foam party, etc). The cycles are broken into macrocycles (ranging from 6 months to 4 years, according to sport), mesocycles (1-3 months, according to competition season), and microcycles (generally 1 week).
Periodization is necessary in order to train efficiently and to remain mentally and physically engaged. The standard model of programmed variation is to stick with a workout program (for example, a combination of weights, cardio, stretching, and a few days of a sport) for one month, while making weekly changes. For example WEEK 1 will start with high volume, high frequency, and a technical focus, tapering down to WEEK 4 which will include high load, high intensity, and lower volume. There are numerous other periodization methods, such as “the wave-concentration” approach, and “undulating” approach, so be creative.
Periodiztion need not be excessively complicated. Some easy strategies to follow to ensure your body gets enough variation from a neurological and physiological perspective include the following:
- Program one sprint day in per week, whether it be sand sprints, hill sprints, or sprints with your dog.
- Allow one heavy lifting week per month, and this applies to women, too. The heavier weights will trigger different motor units in your system and thus challenge your central nervous system in a more profound way.
- Program a quick swimming, biking, and stretching day if you are feeling sore or stressed for time.
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